If the person/service/resource does not yet have a schedule you will need to create it and assign it to them. Create schedule Endpoint: https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/{company_id}/schedules Request: curl https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/1/schedules -H App-Id:1234 -X POST \ -H Auth-Token:xyz -H Content-Type:application/json Assign schedule to staff member Endpoint: https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/{company_id}/people/{person_id} Request: curl https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/1/people/1 -H App-Id:1234 -X PUT \ -H Auth-Token:xyz -H Content-Type:application/json \ -d '{ "schedule_id": 123 }' Create shift pattern Endpoint: https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/{company_id}/schedules/{schedule_id}/shift_patterns Request: curl https://example.jrni.com/api/v5/admin/1/schedules/123/shift_patterns \ -H App-Id:1234 -X POST -H Auth-Token:xyz -H Content-Type:application/json \ -d '{ "start_date": "2018-04-01", "start_time": "09:00", "end_time": "18:00", "frequency": "weekly", "interval": 1, "repeat_count": 52, "by_day": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" ], "except_date": [ "2018-04-07", "2018-04-28" ] }'