namespace BookingBug { public class TokenGenerator { public static string create(JsonObject data) { string CompanyId = "{Your Company ID or Affiliate ID}"; string SecureKey = "{Your Secure Key}"; string initVector = "OpenSSL for Ruby"; // DO NOT CHANGE // please change this as necessary to ensure that the SSO token is valid for 1 hour after this sciprt runs string expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); data["expires"] = expires; byte[] initVectorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(initVector); byte[] keyBytesLong; using( SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() ) { keyBytesLong = sha.ComputeHash( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( SecureKey + CompanyId ) ); } byte[] keyBytes = new byte[16]; Array.Copy(keyBytesLong, keyBytes, 16); byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { textBytes[i] ^= initVectorBytes[i]; } // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes byte[] encrypted = encryptStringToBytes_AES(textBytes, keyBytes, initVectorBytes); string encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted); return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encoded); } static byte[] encryptStringToBytes_AES(byte[] textBytes, byte[] Key, byte[] IV) { // Declare the stream used to encrypt to an in memory // array of bytes and the RijndaelManaged object // used to encrypt the data. using( MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream() ) using( RijndaelManaged aesAlg = new RijndaelManaged() ) { // Provide the RijndaelManaged object with the specified key and IV. aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.BlockSize = 128; aesAlg.Key = Key; aesAlg.IV = IV; // Create an encrytor to perform the stream transform. ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(); // Create the streams used for encryption. using( CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream( msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write ) ) { csEncrypt.Write( textBytes, 0, textBytes.Length ); csEncrypt.FlushFinalBlock(); } byte[] encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray(); // Return the encrypted bytes from the memory stream. return encrypted; } } } } class MainClass { static void Main(string[] args) { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject["first_name"] = "John"; jsonObject["last_name"] = "Smith"; jsonObject["email"] = ""; jsonObject["mobile"] = "0123456789"; jsonObject["reference"] = "external-reference"; System.Console.WriteLine(BookingBug.TokenGenerator.create(jsonObject)); } }