layout: page title: Introduction — The JRNI REST API enables you to integrate into the JRNI platform. The coverage of JRNI features is comprehensive and there are many endpoints available. These tutorials will help you discover how you can leverage the API in your particular project.

The API is broadly divided according to the required permissions into Public, Member and Admin.

## Public APIs

The Public APIs are used for scheduling appointments. They return information about bookable services and members of staff.

## Member APIs

The Member APIs are intended for interfaces for authenticated customers. They can be used to create a UI where customers can view or modify their bookings or update information about themselves.

## Admin APIs

The Admin APIs are intended for interfaces for staff administering a JRNI account. They can be used to configuring objects in JRNI such as services or staff, searching and reporting on bookings, or bypassing validation when making an appointment.


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